Vpon’s Chief Operating Officer Arthur Chan was invited by theDesk as guest speaker at YouTube Live Streaming Programme – “Don’t waste the crisis, build a better Hong Kong”.
Arthur has given an exclusive sharing on the importance of applying big data technology and how big data can navigate the impact of Covid-19. He took theDesk as an example to illustrate how companies can collect and leverage data to enhance business operations.
Arthur has also shared his vision about the Hong Kong’s prospects and taken the opportunity to address rationale of Vpon’s upcoming Management Trainee Programme, opening the door for talents of any age to devote in the data industry.
Once again, thank you theDesk for inviting Arthur to join the event!
Click to watch the full video here: https://bit.ly/3mOpmQk (Cantonese only)
▍Please do not hesitate to contact us directly to learn more : marketing@vpon.com