Composable Customer Data Platform (CCDP)

From CDP to CCDP

Common CDP Challenges & Limitations

CDP not only realizes the OMO (Online-Merge-Offline) omnichannel strategy and integrates online and offline data to build a comprehensive 360-degree customer profile, but it can also segment audiences by analyzing large amounts of data. This allows businesses to gain a more comprehensive understanding of customers’ preferences, purchasing behaviors, and interaction methods, and even more accurately predict their needs. By doing so, businesses can effectively interact with customers at every touchpoint based on each individual’s preferences and behavioral patterns. Through such personalized experiences, customer loyalty and satisfaction can be improved.

With the advent of the era of “Third-Party Cookie” disappearance in browsers and the implementation of regulations such as GDPR, CDP provides businesses with a relatively safe and compliant First-Party data management method. This not only reduces the risk of legal violations but also enhances customers’ trust in the brand.

However, conventional CDPs also face several challenges in actual practice:

(1)Storage & Data Ownership

(2)Incomplete Data

(3)The Limit of Data Silos

(4)Lack of Model Customization and Flexibility

(5)Time to Value & Hidden Extra Cost

Vpon Can Help!

Seemless Upgrade to CCDP & Data Asset Management

The Flexibility of Modular Platforms
The modularized Vpon CCDP can be integrated to meet the digital transformation processes of different organizations, allowing for rapid deployment of target functions. The storage location and processing methods of data can all be adjusted to comply with local regulations.
Effective Data Integration Capability
Legally and compliantly collecting and integrating on-site behavioral data not only allows for transparent data access directly by brand owners but also ensures effective integration with external data. This leads to the creation of 360-degree profile characteristics, establishing a concrete understanding of customers.
Unique and Diverse 3rd-Party Data
Years of accumulated online and offline behavioral data, such as domestic and international geographic behavioral data, consumption data, and mobile usage data, are processed through AI models and applied in digital marketing on our proprietary platform. This refines various objective and practical key data points that can truly reflect target audiences’ real interests and preferences.
Various Data Applications
Through AI-assisted insights, analysis results can be integrated into advertising platforms, enabling personalized communication experiences with customers. Within Vpon’s AD proprietary platform – Vnity, a data closed-loop can be created, allowing for continuous updating and refining of data qualitiy. Based on this high-quality data, various AI applications can be rapidly developed, accelerating enterprises’ digital transformation.
International Certifications
We have not only obtained individual certifications for ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 in information security and personal data management, but we are also a Google Marketing Platform Certified Partner and Google Cloud Partner. We possess knowledge of financial industry-grade data governance and have experience collaborating on national-level government digital transformation projects. Our team is the ideal partner to assist enterprises in painless upgrades.

Vpon CCDP Modular Framework

- Flexible, Customizable One-Stop Platform -

The CCDP solution provided by Vpon adheres to the principles of data governance and AI governance. Based on the different stages of an enterprise’s digital transformation, we have established a corresponding modular framework. From data collection and data analysis to AI applications, there are different tool modules to assist enterprises, ensuring that the implementation and setup of CCDP can support digital transformation initiatives.

Seven Modules

M1 Google Analytics Tracking
M2 Cloud Data Modeling
M3 Predictive Analytics
M4 Data Enrichment
M5 Team Enablement
M6 Personalized Communication
M7 Smart Digital Marketing

The Differences Between CDP & CCDP

FeaturePackaged CDPComposable CDP
Data Storage LocationPredetermined by vendor,
may not meet all legal requirements
can comply with local laws
Source Data AccessibilityLimited,
primarily through prebuilt connectors
direct database access and custom integrations
Compliance Adaptability Vendor-dependent updates for new regulations Agile,
adapt quickly with component adjustments
Privacy ControlLimited,
Vendor-dependent updates for new regulations
fully customizable
Data Handling & SharingGoverned by vendor,
potential opacity
Fully controlled,
transparent policies
out-of-the-box solutions with less flexibility
enables integration with future AI applications
comprehensive integration and deployment
quick to deploy smaller, valuable pilots
Cost EfficiencyPotentially higherControllable

Success Cases

AI 大數據驅動智慧觀光數位化的實現!

自2018年起,大阪觀光局在 Vpon 的協助下開始建置大阪觀光 DMP,創建一個用於規劃旅遊政策和推廣遊覽的分析平台。大阪觀光局是如何利用 DMP 加速智慧觀光數位化的實現呢?

Accelerating the Realization Smart Tourism Powered by AI and Big Data!
Since 2018, with the assistance of Vpon, the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau has begun building the Osaka Tourism DMP (Data Management Platform), creating an analytical platform for planning tourism policies and promoting sightseeing. How has the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau utilized the DMP to accelerate the realization of smart tourism digitalization?

More Information

Composable Commerce

Composable Commerce Empowers Digital Transformation to Address the Dynamic and Diverse Needs of Modern Business

In the modern world, businesses aim for speed, innovation, flexibility, and scalability using innovative microservices technology to create a smooth customer experience. But how can companies take a more modular & omnichannel approach to make the best-personalized customer experiences? Today, businesses can use composable commerce based on the MACH architecture to create that customized experience customers are looking for.  


What is a Composable CDP (CCDP) and why you should migrate to it?

The Composable Customer Data Platform offers businesses a new choice that is more flexible and better aligned with their needs. It can address the challenges and difficulties companies face in practical operations, serving as a conduit between existing data collection and storage systems and front-line tools. This makes the active use of data extremely simple from now on.

全渠道行銷的動能引擎-可組合式商務和 Vpon 數據解決方案


什麼是反向 ETL?了解CCDP的關鍵核心技術


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Keep the Data Ownership in Hand!