AppVois presents data based app market analysis!

In the age where everyone’s hands are glued to their phone, mobile phones are installed with apps to handle the needs of everyday life. Through analysing the trends in the app market, brands and corporations can improve their products and services by directly identifying targeted user profiles and behavioural needs.

Vpon’s AppVois is a proprietary data analytics platform for the app market.

With its extensive database, AppVois provides comprehensive insight on every app’s user preferences, trends on different app categories, competitive product trends and general trends of the app market, allowing AppVois users to grasp the everchanging app market.

About AppVois

Vpon’s AppVois strives to provide high value data and assist corporations to reach commercial goals, from brand expansion, finding new marketing leads, user retention and finding cross-industry partners. Brand owners, app developers or marketers can make the most out of AppVois services through practical application.

AppVois provides a clearly visualised analytical interface that allows unrestricted usage anytime and anywhere, providing high-value user profiles and user preferences in an all-rounded approach that links online with offline, seizing all potential opportunities and possibilities.

App Market Analysis Platforms

To suit the needs of people in the modern age, corporations and brands releases mobile apps to allow easier access to functions and services, it also serves as a great opportunity to understand user profiles and behaviour preferences. Through understanding the app users, brands and corporates can then optimize the app interface and introduce promotional activities.

AppVois Solution:

✅  Understanding user profiles and preferences of own/competing apps

✅  Market share differences between own/competing apps

✅  Finding marketing leads and target audience for advertisement placing

✅  How to increase app users, frequency of usage and user retention

✅  Review whether app downloading has increased after promotional activities

AppVois features: Prioritise User Analysis

Through Vpon’s AppVois data analytics platform, app owners can develop a deeper understanding on their own app, as well as comparing and analysing trends of specific app groups or all apps. With AppVois, you would know app trends like the back of your hand.

1. Mastering user profiles of oneself and competitors

Insights on specific apps allows understanding of user profiles, interests and preferences, which is beneficial for discovering potential cross-industry partners and new business opportunities. AppVois also helps its users to identify differences between the market positioning of their own app and competing apps, which then helps app/brand owners to refine their app and differentiate themselves from others.

2. Side-by-side comparisons of app and market trends

Comparing the market penetration and user download and deletion trends of different apps side-by-side, user opinion is reflected in the most direct way, the data also provides insight into the current market trends. Which app soared in new users? Which app has the highest market share? And so on. Gaining such knowledge will benefit in identifying the potential growing opportunities of the market.

3. Seamless link to Vpon data services, boosting practicality

Generating a visualized data report gives brands and corporations the ability to make informed decisions. Through big data analysis and AI algorithms, users can be labelled by attributes, preferences and behavior to represent different user profiles. This effectively categorizes users into groups and favorable in achieving sales promotion goals.

▍Click here to learn more about Vpon’s big data solutions.

AppVois Trend Insight Analysis Examples

As functions of mobile devices become more comprehensive and convenient by the day, usage and reliance of apps took off as well. No matter the type of service, there is always an app for it to satiate the needs of users in every aspect imaginable. Through AppVois, Vpon can instantly grasp the latest trends and provide insight on user behavior to assist planning of effective marketing strategies.

Hottest Sporting Event this Summer

The most anticipated sporting even in Summer 2021 has garnered a lot of public attention, through AppVois’ Word Cloud, Vpon was able to observe that Hami Video has gained the highest number of new user downloads last week (7/19-7/25), other apps such as ELTA TV, MOD, Piko Live etc. are also strong apps that gained lots of new users.

Digitally tracking Quintuple Stimulus Voucher, extra bonus vouchers present attractive deals

Quintuple Stimulus Voucher has begun digital linkage starting from September 2021, with the extra-bonus vouchers from the Eight Main Ministry, attracting swarms of people applying ever since the program went online. As seen on AppVois’ Word Cloud, Taiwan Mobile Payment (twMP), TaipeiPASS, Art Fun Vouchers and Easy Wallet has seen a spurt in new user downloads in the same period.

Taking a closer look at downloading trends, twMP has launched promotional campaigns including high cashback, the number of new user downloads after 22nd September has grown 5 times the usual numbers, and earned its place of the champion of the mobile payment app among the Quintuple Stimulus Voucher.

Taiwan Financial Industry Overview Analysis

Taiwan currently has 3 virtual banks, 15 digital banks and 36 traditional banks. According to Vpon’s AppVois market analysis platform, over 70% of the users have downloaded bank and finance-related apps, showing that the general public has high reliance on financial technology. Taking a closer look at the app penetration rate of the second quarter of 2021 (4/01-6/30), which was during the pandemic, among the top 20 banking and finance-related apps, apps introduced by traditional banks takes up the majority. Richart is in 19th place, the only digital bank on the list.

Technology brings about change in lifestyle, and mobile devices created an inseparable bond between individuals. Trends in different app categories and target user profiles can be identified through AppVois, effectively aiding enhancement of app features, campaign strategy planning, competitor analysis, post-campaign evaluation and inducing precise marketing decisions with the help of data.

Click here to learn more about AppVois solutions!


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